Thursday, November 8, 2018

[ Slimming World Four Seasons Cookbook ]

[ Slimming World Four Seasons Cookbook ]
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There's a wealth of wonderful fresh food produced on our doorstep, but how many of us really make use of it? In fact, how many of us actually know what's produced and when?

Well, the people at Slimming World have made it easy, and this fantastic recipe book offers a wide variety of seasonal dishes that make use of ingredients at the appropriate time of year. And, as each recipe fits perfectly within the Slimming World diet plan, now dieters can simply turn to the section dealing with spring, summer, autumn or winter and find something healthy to cook that makes use of readily available ingredients at the peak of freshness.

During the cold, dark days of autumn and winter, what could be better than warming borscht, souffléd jacket potatoes, roasted soy duck breasts or spiced bean stew with feta? As the days get longer and warmer you can feast on lighter dishes, such as baked egg timbales, pan-cooked skate with bacon, broad bean and lemon risotto, asparagus with minted couscous or any of the delicious salads.

Of course, dessert recipes haven't been forgotten. You can indulge yourself with treats such as chocolate, coffee and cognac mousse, blackberry and pear crumble, gooseberry fool, or orange and saffron cake, secure in the knowledge that these, and all the other recipes in the cookbook, are healthy, delicious, absolutely in season and all part of Slimming World's highly successful Food Optimising programme.


[ The Candida Cure: The 90-Day Program to Balance Your Gut, Beat Candida, and Restore Vibrant Healt

[ The Candida Cure: The 90-Day Program to Balance Your Gut, Beat Candida, and Restore Vibrant Healt
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Foreword by David Perlmutter, MD, author of Grain Brain

The cult-classic health book, now revised and updated with a quick start cleanse, easy recipes, and more.

It’s not news that Americans are sicker than ever. Seventy million of us suffer from digestive problems like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or gastro esophageal reflex disorder (GERD). Another forty million have been diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression and a staggering fifty million Americans live with an autoimmune disease. But what is newsworthy is that all of these conditions share a common thread you’ve probably never heard of: candida.

"Candida" is the term for a group of yeast organisms that have lived in our digestive tract for millennia, in harmony with the other thousands of bacteria, viruses, and archaea that make up our microbiome. But due to poor diets, processed foods, overuse of antibiotics, environmental toxins, and increased stress, our microbiome has been under steady and constant attack for decades. Yeast are of a heartier stock than bacterial microbes, and as bacteria die off, yeast begins to overgrow in the digestive tract, a condition known as candidiasis. Mild and moderate cases of candidiasis present with fatigue, IBS, eczema, depression, brain fog, migraines, and weight gain. Severe cases allow the afflicted to develop autoimmune disease (such as Multiple Sclerosis), cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

Ann Boroch’s self-published book, The Candida Cure, has been the #1 resource in candida treatment since 2008. Her program—which she used to heal herself from a life-threatening autoimmune disorder—has stood the test of time, and has become a life-changing resource for more than 65,000 people. Now, in this revised edition,  readers have even more tools, with updated information and case histories, a quick start cleanse, and all-new recipes and eating plans.


[ The Doctor's Kidney Diets: A Nutritional Guide to Managing and Slowing the Progression of Chronic

[ The Doctor's Kidney Diets: A Nutritional Guide to Managing and Slowing the Progression of Chronic
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In the United States alone, 26 million adults have chronic kidney disease (CKD), and experts project that over half the country may develop CKD due to rising rates of disorders such as diabetes. While nephrologists can monitor kidney function and treat patients with medications, they can t always offer the nutritional guidance that every kidney patient requires. To fill this information gap, Dr. Mandip Kang has written ""The Doctor s Kidney Diet"s, " a comprehensive guide to managing, slowing down, and even stopping the progression of CKD through diet.

The book is divided into two parts. Part One provides a clear overview of kidney function, kidney disease, and the role that nutrition plays in the treatment of kidney problems. The doctor then reviews the special dietary considerations of individuals with CKD, including the need to limit certain nutrients, fluids, and other dietary components. Because different patients have different nutritional requirements, the doctor discusses the most commonly prescribed CKD diets the DASH diet, heart disease and diabetes diets, diets for dialysis, and more and concludes with important tips for enhancing overall health and maximizing treatment success. Then Part Two offers a wide variety of recipes for dishes that follow the dietary guidelines highlighted in Part One.

Smart nutrition is essential to the treatment of kidney disease. With "The Doctor s Kidney Diets, " you can become an active, effective participant in your own treatment plan."


[ The Model Method: Recipes, HIIT and Pilates Exercises for Lifelong, Balanced Wellness ]

[ The Model Method: Recipes, HIIT and Pilates Exercises for Lifelong, Balanced Wellness ]
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'The Model Method's effective combination of recipes and workouts will leave you feeling stronger, healthier and happier. Hollie is one of the best task-masters on the fitness scene, with a refreshing, balanced approach' Sweaty Betty

'The new body coach on the block' Style

Nourish, sweat and strengthen your way to lifelong wellness with award-winning Pilates instructor and chef Hollie Grant's balanced recipes and workouts.

Hollie started The Model Method online plan after years of teaching her private clients so anyone can carry out the plan, anywhere. This beautiful book will follow on from the plan, showing the reader how to Nourish, Sweat and Strengthen for a healthier, stronger lifestyle.

Nourish will provide readers with delicious and balanced recipes with easy-to-source ingredients to encourage readers to eat from all the food groups unless medically advised not to. As a former chef Hollie is strongly against 'diets' and feels that we should eat to nourish our bodies, not starve them. The Sweat part of the plan will be split into three key areas of the body so that the workout can be personalised to the readers' goals or weaknesses. All the workouts will include elements of both Pilates and HIIT. Pilates is amazing at toning and fixing postural issues but does not address the incredible health benefits you tend to only get from HIIT (including reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity). Strengthen provides Pilates exercises and descriptions of technique, progressions and regressions, muscles activated and why you would carry out that exercise. The book is designed to be personalised so will also teach the reader about their body, posture types and muscle imbalances, and which Pilates technique would be best for them.

Above all, The Model Method is about how our bodies function and perform, rather than how they look, in order to encourage a healthy relationship with food and exercise.


[ What Can I Eat On A Sugar Free Diet?: A Quick Start Guide To Quitting Sugar. Lose Weight, Feel Gr

[ What Can I Eat On A Sugar Free Diet?: A Quick Start Guide To Quitting Sugar. Lose Weight, Feel Gr
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If you’re really ready to change your life for the better, then this Quick Start Guide to a Sugar-Free Diet is the perfect place to begin!

This sugar-free cookbook takes a comprehensive approach to understanding sugar and its effect on your body, and provides simple steps to eliminating the white stuff for good.

PLUS it contains Over 100 delicious Sugar-Free recipes such as high protein pancakes, butternut squash & ginger soup, barbecue buffalo chicken wings, thai chicken curry, raspberry & chocolate ice cream!

By following the guidelines in this book you can sugar detox, lose weight, improve your health and unleash a slimmer, fitter and happier you!

• Beat the sugar trap for good!

• Lose weight and feel great!

• What to eat and why!

• Understand fructose and fruit sugars!

• Over 100 delicious sugar-free recipes!


[ What Your Dr...Menopause (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You) ]

[ What Your Dr...Menopause (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You) ]
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In this expanded and completely updated edition of the classic bestselle, Dr. Lee brings you the facts about modern synthetic HRT drugs and gives you an easy-to-follow, non-prescription 'hormone balance' programme, that allows you to stay energised, strong, sexually vigorous and free from 'female problems' before, during and beyond the menopause years.

Pre-menopausal symptoms, endometriosis, weight gain, low sex drive, fibrocystic breasts, heart disease and osteoporosis - most women will experience some or all of these hormone-related problems and today millions of women concerned about aging muist decide whether to undergo synthetic HRT - and suffer its side effects and increased risk of cancer. However there is another way - natural progesterone, the only hormone supplement women may need as they age- and this book tells you all you need to know about it.


[ Feed Your Face: The 28-day plan for younger, smoother skin and a beautiful body ]

[ Feed Your Face: The 28-day plan for younger, smoother skin and a beautiful body ]
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Each year the average woman spends hundreds of pounds on skincare products, only to be disappointed when the hype outplays the performance. Empowering women to break this cycle, Dr Jessica Wu shares the secrets to transforming your skin from the inside out.

Feed Your Face is an easy-to-use, 28-day diet plan that will help you banish blemishes, wipe out wrinkles, shed unwanted pounds and generally feel better - in your clothes and in your skin. Along the way, you will learn how to separate skincare fact from fiction, as Dr Wu explains why:

* A slice of pizza and a glass of Cabernet can prevent an impending sunburn
* Milk doesn't always do a body good - dairy products are a major cause of acne
* Almonds can ward off grey hairs

Packed with patient testimonials, entertaining illustrations and celebrity anecdotes from stars including Katherine Heigl, Feed Your Face is as entertaining as it is informative.


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Everything you need to adopt and enjoy a ketogenic diet. Tired of struggling with weight loss? Author Michelle Hogan knows how you feel. Following her firsthand success with the keto diet, she shares her knowledge in Keto in 28. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide shows you how to make lasting changes-with big results-over the course of 28 days. Learn how to transition, and commit, to a keto lifestyle, with: • A practical 28-day meal plan that cuts carbs, curbs sugar cravings, and encourages creative ways to indulge in flavorful foods • In-depth nutrition information and detailed recipes that highlight macronutrient ratios • A customizable keto menu plus tips on stocking your kitchen with go-to staples Transform what you eat, how you eat, and the way you think about food by enjoying the benefits of a ketogenic diet.


[ Paleo in 28: 4 Weeks, 5 Ingredients, 130 Recipes ]

[ Paleo in 28: 4 Weeks, 5 Ingredients, 130 Recipes ]
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A Super Simple Guide to Going Paleo for Your Not-So-Simple Life Kenzie Swanhart knows firsthand just how hard it can be to introduce a Paleo diet into your hectic routine. In Paleo in 28, she teaches you that it takes only five ingredients, plus a few basic pantry staples, to create mouthwatering Paleo recipes for today and everyday. Making the transition to Paleo has never been easier with this effortless guide, which boasts: • A flexible 28-day meal plan so that you never have to wonder what to eat • 130 delicious recipes, from Good Morning Mug Biscuits and Nacho Kale Chips to Fall-Apart Short Ribs and Almond Butter Bars • Streamlined shopping lists to save time and money • A customizable one-week Paleo menu to help you strategize beyond your first 28 days • Nutritional information for every recipe Enjoy the classic flavors of all your favorite foods with gluten-free Paleo recipes that will jumpstart your healthy lifestyle and keep your taste buds happy. [Author bio] Kenzie Swanhart is the founder and author of the popular food blog Cave Girl in the City. In an effort to find balance and regain a healthy lifestyle after college, Kenzie adopted the Paleo diet. She started her blog to share her successes, resources, and findings with others on a similar journey.


[ No Grain, No Pain: A 30-Day Diet for Eliminating the Root Cause of Chronic Pain ]

[ No Grain, No Pain: A 30-Day Diet for Eliminating the Root Cause of Chronic Pain ]
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"A must-read book for anyone suffering from chronic pain" (Sara Gottfried, MD), No Grain, No Pain demonstrates the proven link between a gluten-heavy diet and chronic pain and discomfort--and offers a groundbreaking, 30-day, grain-free diet to help you heal yourself from the inside out.

More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, according to an Institute of Medicine report released in 2011. For many, chronic pain is part of an autoimmune disease, but all too often doctors turn to the same solution: painkilling drugs.

But all of this medication simply isn't helping, and as Dr. Peter Osborne, the leading authority on gluten sensitivity and food allergies has found, the real solution often lies in what you eat. In No Grain, No Pain, Dr. Osborne shows how grains wreak havoc on the body by causing tissue inflammation, creating vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and triggering an autoimmune response that causes the body to attack itself. But he also offers practical steps to find relief. Using his drug-free, easy-to-implement plan, you will be able to eliminate all sources of gluten and gluten-like substances, experience significant improvement in fifteen days, and eliminate pain within thirty days.

The first book to identify diet--specifically, grain--as a leading cause of chronic suffering, No Grain, No Pain provides you with the knowledge you need to improve your health. Based on extensive research and examples culled from thousands of his satisfied patients, Dr. Osborne recommends changing your diet to achieve the relief that millions of Americans have been seeking once and for all, leading to a healthier, happier life.


[ Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse, The ]

[ Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse, The ]
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Apple cider vinegar has a cult following among health conscious consumers. Not to be confused with distilled grocery store apple cider vinegar, "ACV" is unfiltered, unprocessed fermented apple cider that is rich in bioactive components that give it potent antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-glycaemic and many other beneficial properties. This enables ACV to help everything from diabetes to heart health to weight loss, sinus congestion, and warts. THE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR CLEANSE will explain the myriad health benefits of ACV and will offer a 7 day cleanse to help readers jump start their weight loss and journey to better health.


[ Go Dairy Free: The Ultimate Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casei

[ Go Dairy Free: The Ultimate Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casei
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If ONE simple change could resolve most of your symptoms and prevent a host of illnesses, wouldn't you want to try it?

Go Dairy Free shows you how!

There are plenty of reasons to go dairy free. Maybe you are confronting allergies or lactose intolerance. Maybe you are dealing with acne, digestive issues, sinus troubles, or eczema―all proven to be associated with dairy consumption. Maybe you're looking for longer-term disease prevention, weight loss, or for help transitioning to a plant-based diet.

Whatever your reason, Go Dairy Free is the essential arsenal of information you need to change your diet. This complete guide and cookbook will be your vital companion to understand dairy, how it affects you, and how you can eliminate it from your life and improve your health―without feeling like you're sacrificing a thing.


  • More than 250 delicious dairy-free recipes focusing on naturally rich and delicious whole foods, with numerous options to satisfy those dairy cravings
  • A comprehensive guide to dairy substitutes explaining how to purchase, use, and make your own alternatives for butter, cheese, cream, milk, and much more
  • Must-have grocery shopping information, from sussing out suspect ingredients and label-reading assistance to money-saving tips
  • A detailed chapter on calcium to identify naturally mineral-rich foods beyond dairy, the best supplements, and other keys to bone health
  • An in-depth health section outlining the signs and symptoms of dairy-related illnesses and addressing questions around protein, fat, and other nutrients in the dairy-free transition
  • Everyday living tips with suggestions for restaurant dining, travel, celebrations, and other social situations
  • Infant milk allergy checklists that describe indicators and solutions for babies and young children with milk allergies or intolerances
  • Food allergy- and vegan-friendly resources, including recipe indexes to quickly find gluten-free and other top food allergy-friendly options and fully tested plant-based options for every recipe


[ DASH Diet for Beginners: A DASH Diet QUICK START GUIDE to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood P

[ DASH Diet for Beginners: A DASH Diet QUICK START GUIDE to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood P
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DASH Diet for Beginners - Learn how the DASH diet can drastically improve your health and your weight!

*A complete DASH diet guide to living your healthiest life ever!*

The DASH diet is a lifelong well-balanced approach to healthy eating promoted by the National Institutes of Health that is based on nutrient-rich whole foods. This book will teach you exactly how to reach and maintain a healthy weight while lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Change your food - Change your life

U.S. News and World Report chose the DASH diet as the best overall diet, the healthiest diet and the best diet for diabetes for four years in a row.

It is estimated that hypertension or high blood pressure affects over 1 billion people worldwide. Not only is high blood pressure the leading cause of death, it also increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The DASH diet encourages reducing the sodium in your diet and increasing your consumption of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber by eating a fabulous selection of delicious whole foods that lower blood pressure. Eating vegetables, fruits whole grains, fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy and healthy fats is all part of the DASH diet healthy eating plan.

The DASH diet works if you work it

The DASH diet is endorsed by the American Heart Association and is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Research has also shown that the DASH diet is extremely effective in promoting weight loss which has popularized it as a weight loss diet.

In a step-by-step way, The DASH Diet for Beginners Quick Start Guide to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood Pressure and Better Health, Including DASH Diet Recipes and a 7-Day Meal Plan is going to teach you everything you need to know about how to successfully apply the DASH diet to your life.

DASH Diet for Beginners teaches you:

  • What is the DASH diet
  • Why the DASH diet was created
  • How the DASH diet promotes weight loss
  • The characteristics of the DASH diet
  • DASH diet food groups
  • The DASH diet food list
  • Portion control and serving sizes
  • Tips to lower your sodium intake
  • Tips to make the switch to DASH diet eating
  • DASH diet 7-day meal plan with calorie count
  • 30 MINUTE DASH diet recipes
  • .....and much more!

The recipes contained in this book will help you maximize your DASH diet efforts and they'll take the thinking out of what to cook!

Delicious DASH diet recipes included:

  • Raspberry Muffins
  • Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Pizza
  • Chicken in White Wine and Mushroom Sauce
  • Balsamic Chicken Salad with Pineapple
  • Tomato Basil Bruschetta
  • Fruit Kebabs with Lemony Lime Dip
  • Peach Honey Spread
  • Artichoke Dip
  • .....and much more!

Discover why so many people are embracing this amazing diet for weight loss and better health!



[ Perfect Health Diet: regain health and lose weight by eating the way you were meant to eat ]

[ Perfect Health Diet: regain health and lose weight by eating the way you were meant to eat ]
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An Australian edition of the new four-step Paleo diet program that offers optimal nutrition for a lifetime of health. Suffering from chronic illness and unable to get satisfactory treatments for their conditions from doctors, the husband-and-wife scientific team of Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet decided that they had to take a personal interest in health and nutrition. After embarking on five years of rigorous research, what they found changed their lives and the lives of thousands of their readers. In Perfect Health Diet, the Jaminets explain how anyone can regain health and lose weight by optimising nutrition, detoxifying their diet, and supporting healthy immune function. They show how toxic, nutrient-poor diets sabotage health, and how, on a healthy diet, diseases often spontaneously resolve. But they don t just tell you what foods to eat to make you healthier and weight loss easier: they show you why with a clear, balanced, and scientifically proven plan. Already an international sensation, Perfect Health Diet will change the way you eat and feel forever.


[ Soupologie: Plant-based, gluten-free soups to heal, cleanse and energise ]

[ Soupologie: Plant-based, gluten-free soups to heal, cleanse and energise ]
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This is much more than a book of delicious plant-based soup recipes. Get to know the ingredients first with all the nutritional information clearly explained, so you can find out which ingredients will have the most impact for you. Low on energy? get those B-vitamins packed into your soup. Need to drop a few pounds? focus on the metabolism-boosting recipes. Constantly getting colds? Get going with the immune-boosting soups. All recipes are nutrient rich but naturally low in calories. Each recipe has icons to show which common ailments are targeted such as stress, fatigue, weakened immunity and more. Recipes are plant-based and gluten-free, so can be enjoyed by everyone, but serving suggestions add in other delicious 'soupolo-twists' so you can adapt things to your own taste. The book is fully photographed by award-winning food photographer Jean Cazals.


[ The Healthy Life: A complete plan for glowing skin, a healthy gut, weight loss, better sleep and

[ The Healthy Life: A complete plan for glowing skin, a healthy gut, weight loss, better sleep and
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Are you ready to nourish your body with nutrition and heal your relationship with food?

Nutritionist and health blogger Jessica Sepel understands the dangers of dieting and overexercising from her own experience. Years of study and personal and clinical practice have taught her how to heal her difficult relationship with food, and find a gentler path, not just for herself but for her patients and many online followers.

Jessica believes great health starts with positive lifestyle changes such as more sleep, less stress and a better connection with those we love. But mostly it's about the food. She shows how we can eat with a sense of deep peace and enjoyment by choosing the foods that will nourish our bodies. She recommends whole foods, simply prepared. She explains why what we eat has such a strong effect on our mood, and shows us how to choose and prepare food that will create happiness rather than stress. With meal plans, expert advice on the nutritional value of different ingredients and over 120 delicious, nurturing recipes, this book will help you finally find the freedom to truly enjoy good food and great health.

Originally self-published as The Clean Life this inspiring plan has been revised and updated, and includes 120 all new recipes.


[ The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) ]

[ The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) ]
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Since its first publication in 1980, "The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook" has become the most indispensable resource for effective and up-to-date techniques for relaxing the body, calming the mind, and refreshing the spirit. Therapists recommend the book to their clients; readers pass it on to their friends. More than half a million copies have helped millions of people take the edge off their stressful lives and find the peace they need to foster happiness and success. The overwhelming popularity of this book is the result of its comprehensive yet simple and straightforward adaptation of all the most effective relaxation techniques.No other book offers easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions for using progressive relaxation, autogenics, self-hypnosis, visualization, mindfulness, acceptance, and more. This revision will significantly update and simplify this timeless classic. The authors provide the most proven-effective worry and anger models based on the latest research. They have simplified many of the chapters so that readers only get the best treatment methods in the most accessible manner. Two new chapters include "Facing Feelings", which focuses on mindfulness and acceptance, and "Coping with Anger". The chapter on time management will be revised to include information on how to unplug from our wealth of electronic communication conveniences when necessary. The book also includes an updated resources section and subject index.


[ Carbs & Cals & Protein & Fat: A Visual Guide to Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat & Calo

[ Carbs & Cals & Protein & Fat: A Visual Guide to Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat & Calo
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Carbs & Cals & Protein & Fat is a visual guide to carbohydrate, protein, fat and calorie counting for weight loss, healthy eating and diabetes management. It contains over 1,400 photos of popular food and drink items, with the carbohydrate, calorie, protein and fat values clearly displayed above each photo.

The 17-page introduction to the book contains information about losing weight, healthy eating, calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat. The 264 pages of photographs are arranged into 17 colour-coded sections: Biscuits & Crackers, Bread, Breakfast, Cakes & Bakery Items, Desserts, Drinks, Eggs & Cheese, Fruit, Meals, Meal Accompaniments, Meat, Chicken & Fish, Potatoes, Rice, Pasta & Grains, Sauces & Spreads, Snacks & Confectionery, Take-away Food, and Vegetables & Pulses.

There are up to 6 different portion photos for each food, with their corresponding carbohydrate, calorie, protein and fat values displayed above each photo. This provides users with an easy comparison to the food on their plate and a helpful guide to the carbohydrate, calories, protein and fat they are consuming. The prepared/cooked weight is also shown below each photo.

Calorie counting and monitoring of fat intake are an important part of weight management and healthy eating, and this book is an invaluable support tool for anyone engaged in this process. It takes out the guesswork and time spent weighing food by showing the calorie and nutrient content in each food photo. This allows the user to make choices on how to reduce calories and fat intake by choosing a smaller portion or swapping a food item that is in calories for a healthier option.

PLEASE NOTE: The Carbs & Cals & Protein & Fat Pocket Counter (ISBN 9781908261007) is a great portable accompaniment to the Carbs & Cals & Protein & Fat book. With all the same food and drink items, but in just 1 or 2 portion sizes, it’s an extremely handy resource for when out and about.


[ The Runner's World Vegetarian Cookbook: 150 Delicious and Nutritious Meatless Recipes to Fuel You

[ The Runner's World Vegetarian Cookbook: 150 Delicious and Nutritious Meatless Recipes to Fuel You
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150 delicious meatless recipes packed with performance-boosting nutrients

As a runner, you know that your food is your fuel--you have to eat well in order to perform well. But if you think it's impossible to be a high-performing athlete and ditch meat, think again. Legendary ultrarunner Scott Jurek is plant-based and track star Carl Lewis is vegetarian. Being wholly or mostly meatless doesn't have to mean sacrificing nutrition or performance--in fact, these whole-food recipes can help bring your body to peak health and fitness.

Written by Heather Mayer Irvine, the Food and Nutrition editor of Runner's World, this vegetarian cookbook not only contains healthy recipes but also in-depth information on how runners--regardless of their food-with-a-face preference--can eat more plants. In this cookbook, you'll find delicious and nutritious recipes for every meal (and yes, even dessert!) that will help power your runs and recovery.


[ Say No To Cancer: The drug-free guide to preventing and helping fight cancer ]

[ Say No To Cancer: The drug-free guide to preventing and helping fight cancer ]
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Cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and one in three people will develop cancer at some point in their lives. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, up to 39 per cent of the most common cancers - lung, breast, colorectal, skin, mouth/throat and oesophagus, liver, stomach, prostate, cervical ovarian, testicular, endometrial and pancreatic - are preventable through diet, physical activity and weight control alone.

SAY NO TO CANCER was originally published by Piatkus in 1999 and this greatly expanded edition contains new chapters that reflect the very latest information on the connection between diet and lifestyle and the risk of developing cancer. It offers guidance for people who wish to avoid getting cancer, and for those who want to know what they can do nutritionally if they have cancer and/or want to prevent reoccurrence.

By improving your diet and taking the right nutritional supplements you really can say no to cancer.


[ The Science and Fine Art of Fasting ]

[ The Science and Fine Art of Fasting ]
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2013 Reprint of 1963 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This is the fasting portion only of what was originally published as "Fasting and Sunbathing" (The Hygienic System, Vol 3). Herbert Shelton wrote 40 books over his 60-year career in health education and "natural hygiene." He supervised over 30,000 fasts of chronically ill and terminal patients, losing only three. Shelton's teachings on fasting inspired Ghandi as well as such popular authors as Fuhrman, the Diamonds, Mercola and Graham. Harvey and Marilyn Diamond said of Shelton: "A man of astounding intelligence and understanding, Dr. Herbert Shelton was the greatest health oracle of the 20th century." One of the key tenets of natural hygiene is toxemia + enervation = disease and that symptoms of disease are remedial efforts by the body to return to balance. For example, a fever is instituted by the body to speed metabolic action and kill germs. It is a healing event that should be allowed to run its course, not a dreaded enemy to be suppressed. The best action to take when first becoming ill is to stop eating and rest, which goes contrary to the prevailing advice to take a drug, eat to keep up your strength, and keep on going. When you fast, you are not starving your body of nutrition, because it obtains all the nutrition it needs from its own tissues. But in doing so, the not inconsiderable amount of energy that would have been spent in digestion is now spent in repair of tissues and elimination of toxins. Long fasts of up to three months followed by healthy living practices can (but not always) reverse chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, colitis, migraines, mental illness, even cancer. (See also Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease.) This book will teach you most of what you need to know to conduct a fast of any length. The chapters are: 1. Definition of fasting 2. Fasting among the lower animals 3. Fasting in man 4. Bill-of-fare for the sick 5. Autolysis 6. Fasting is not starving 7. Chemical and organic changes during fasting 8. Repair of organs and tissues during fasting 9. The influence of fasting on growth and regeneration 10. Changes in the fundamental functions while fasting 11. The mind and special senses during a fast 12. Secretions and excretions 13. Bowel action during fasting 14. Fasting and sex 15. Rejuvenescence through fasting 16. Gain and loss of strength while fasting 17. Gain and loss of weight during fasting 18. Fasting does not induce deficiency "disease" 19. Death in the fast 20. Objections of the fast 21. Does fasting cure disease? 22. The rationale of fasting 23. The length of the fast 24. Hunger and appetite 25. Contra-indications of fasting 26. Fasting in special periods and conditions of life 27. Symptomatology of the fast 28. Progress of the fast 29. Hygiene of the fast 30. Breaking the fast 31. Gaining weight after the fast 32. Living after the fast 33. Fasting in health 34. Fasting in acute disease 35. Fasting in chronic disease 36. Fasting in drug addiction 37. Fasting versus eliminating diets


[ Budwig Cancer & Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet: The Complete Recipes, Updated Researc

[ Budwig Cancer & Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet: The Complete Recipes, Updated Researc
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This revolutionary diet from Dr. Johanna Budwig, the German researcher who discovered omega-3 fatty acids, shows you how to use healing essential fatty acids, the good fats, to cure yourself of cancer, heart disease and other chronic ailments.

Dr. Budwig's book includes more than 150 exciting recipes and meal plans for cancer treatment, prevention and plans for children, too. The book provides hundreds of patient testimonials and cites scientific studies proving that Dr. Budwig's diet works! THE BUDWIG CANCER & CORONARY HEART DISEASE PREVENTION DIET is the long-awaited follow-up to her internationally renowned Oil-Protein Diet which has sold more than half a million copies worldwide.


[ Keto Diet Fast: Intermittent Fasting & The Ketogenic Diet; The Secret to Achieving Your Dream

[ Keto Diet Fast: Intermittent Fasting & The Ketogenic Diet; The Secret to Achieving Your Dream
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If you are looking to boost weight loss, feel energetic, be healthy, and achieve the body of your dreams, then keep reading...

Studies have shown that not only is intermittent fasting amazing for weight loss, but it also improves our bodies overall health!

By combining intermittent fasting with the ketogenic diet, weight loss results are astonishing!

Not only do you get the fantastic combined health benefits of intermittent fasting and the keto diet, but you get a tremendous boost of weight loss in a healthy way!

Do you struggle with weight loss, food cravings, calorie counting, and maintaining good health?

Are you struggling to get rid of your belly fat and tired of slow results?

Then, look no further! Keto diet fasting is exactly what you need to finally achieve the body of your dreams

You see, most diets don't target the root problem and add hard to manage rules.

If you want to shed fat and keep it off, your body needs to target fat and suppress cravings, and that's exactly what the Keto Diet does. It targets fat stored in your body and suppresses your cravings.

And, by supplementing the keto diet with intermittent fasting, you drastically boost this effect.

The keto diet fast can boost your weight loss dramatically if applied correctly and inside, we show you exactly how to get started to achieving your desired body!

Inside Keto Diet Fast: Intermittent Fasting & The Ketogenic Diet, discover:

  • Why the Ketogenic Diet is so effective for weight loss and how you can shed pounds easily without ever going to the gym!
  • The different methods of intermittent fasting and how to implement each one

  • The health benefits and the science behind intermittent fasting
  • The weight loss effects and how to track your progress so you know exactly how things are going
  • What to expect when getting starting and things you should know before starting
  • How to properly combine the keto diet with intermittent fasting and achieve amazing results
  • All the benefits you gain from following a Ketogenic Diet
  • How to tell if the Keto Diet is in full effect and you are receiving all the benefits from it
  • Why the Ketogenic Diet is such a powerful craving and hunger suppressant
  • Eating guidelines and a complete grocery list for your reference
  • Meal plans and resources to help you kickstart the Keto Diet
  • Why you can shed 2.2 - 4.4 lbs of body fat easily, every week

And so much more!

Plus a FREE bonus inside – The Ultimate Clean Eating Guide + Resource cheat sheet!

When applied properly, and effectively, you will find yourself effortlessly losing weight, hitting your targets, and finally achieving your weight loss goal with the keto diet fast!

We have you covered so there is absolutely no guesswork and you know exactly what you are getting into and exactly how to get started.

So, if you want to finally lose weight, keep it off, be healthy, and feel great, grab your copy now


[ 5:2 Diet Meal Plans & Recipes: Ten Weeks of Menus - 5:2 Quick Start Guide: Volume 3 (5:2 Fast

[ 5:2 Diet Meal Plans & Recipes: Ten Weeks of Menus - 5:2 Quick Start Guide: Volume 3 (5:2 Fast
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The 5:2 Diet Meal Plans & Recipes

*****This is a revised edition of this popular 5.2 Fast Diet recipe book and has taken into account the increase in the daily calorie allowance recently announced by Dr. Michael Mosely to 800 calories per fasting day. There has also been a Breakfast section added so that you can choose whether to increase your fasting day meals or calorie count or not.*****

Author Liz Armond has written a series of popular 5:2 diet recipe books, each designed to get you on the track to fast weight loss, one delicious meal at a time. 5:2 Diet Meal Plans & Recipes takes all the guesswork out of meal preparation by providing you with 21 days of recipes. That is 10 weeks of menus even if you try them all. Best of all, the ingredients are readily available and affordable. No more picking up bland, frozen, and often expensive, dinners for convenience.

The recipes are calorie grouped and portioned into 1, 2, or 4 servings. Each meal offers a delicious blend of protein and fiber to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need as you quickly lose that unwanted weight, all without going hungry.

Just take a look at some of the recipes:

•Hearty Potato & Leek Soup - 150cals•Mushroom Risotto with Brown Rice - 285cals•Vegetable Curry - 180cals•Turkey & Vegetable Loaf - 180cals•Chicken & Apricot Bake - 250cals

These meal plans allow you two meals a day, with calories to spare. This cookbook also includes a handy chart of low-calorie snacks and drinks for that between-meal eating. Just calculate your allowance and choose accordingly.

Like all of the books Liz Armond has written in the series, this is an informative and easy-to-follow guide. She lost 10 pounds while her partner lost 14, all in the first four weeks of following this safe and beneficial diet.

The research and testing have all been done, so all you have to do now is choose your meals and watch the numbers on the scale drop.

Pick up your copy of 5:2 Diet Meal Plans & Recipes TODAY and just watch your weight drop off.


[ The Alzheimer's Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer s Disease, Memory Lo

[ The Alzheimer's Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer s Disease, Memory Lo
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A Comprehensive Metabolic & Lifestyle Approach

A diagnosis of Alzheimer s disease in 2016 is startlingly similar to a half-century ago. Despite decades of research and millions of dollars invested in uncovering the causes and developing treatments for this devastating illness, progress has been slow, with each new blockbuster drug proving to be as big a disappointment as the ones that went before it. Today, an Alzheimer s diagnosis is a death sentence.

However, there may be ways to prevent, delay, and possibly even reverse the course of this crippling neurodegenerative disease. In The Alzheimer s Antidote, Certified Nutrition Specialist Amy Berger presents a multi-pronged nutrition and lifestyle intervention to combat Alzheimer s disease at its roots. Berger s research shows that Alzheimer s results from a fuel shortage in the brain: As neurons become unable to harness energy from glucose, they atrophy and die, leading to classic symptoms like memory loss and behavioral changes.

This is a revolutionary approach one that has been discussed in the scientific literature for years but has only recently been given credence in clinical settings, thanks to extremely promising studies wherein Alzheimer s patients have experienced complete reversals of the condition. Medical and scientific journals are full of research showing alternate ways to fuel the starving brain, but no one has been bringing this essential information to the people who need it most until now.

In a culture obsessed with miracle medications, the pharmaceutical route for tackling Alzheimer s has been a massive failure. Pills and potions don t address underlying causes, and regarding Alzheimer s, they typically fail to improve even the symptoms. As a metabolic problem, the only effective way to treat Alzheimer s may be a multifaceted approach that fundamentally reprograms energy generation in the brain. The good news is, the secret is as simple as switching to a low-carb, high-fat diet.

The Alzheimer s Antidote shows us that cognitive decline is not inevitable, but if it does occur, we don t have to sit idly by and wait helplessly while it progresses and worsens. Amy Berger empowers loved ones and caregivers of Alzheimer s sufferers, and offers hope and light against this otherwise unnavigable labyrinth of darkness.



[ Workout Journal (Diary, Notebook, Fitness, Log) ]

[ Workout Journal (Diary, Notebook, Fitness, Log) ]
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Achieve your goals and attain optimum health. Make this journal your exercise buddy! Keep track of those trips to the gym, workouts at home -- all your hard work and dedication.
  • Includes daily pages to record cardiovascular activity, flexibility/balance classes, strength training sessions, and vitamins or supplements.
  • ''Goals met'' checkboxes and space for jotting down a few extra notes help you detail your workouts.
  • If you use the gym every day, you'll find this sleek journal provides enough pages for nearly 3 months.
  • If you go less often, it may last 6 months or more.
  • It also includes weekly progress charts, enough for up to 60 weeks.
  • The journal even packs in solid basic information on cardio, flexibility, strength training, tracking calories, tracking your progress, plus fitness tips and tricks and a list of online resources.
  • The journal is adaptable for different programs.
  • Removable cover band.
  • 194 pages.
  • Binding lies flat for ease of use.
  • 11.4 cm wide x 19.1 cm high.


[ The Encyclopaedia Of Healing Foods ]

[ The Encyclopaedia Of Healing Foods ]
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This accessible and science-based reference guide is both an educational text and a source of inspiration for the millions of people who want to know more about the connection between food and health. In a clear and focused style, the authors take us beyond nutritional facts, sharing cutting-edge clinical discoveries on what and how foods stimulate the body's natural ability to rejuvenate and heal. They advise readers on designing a safe diet by exploring such current programs as The Zone Diet and Atkins; discuss the roles that fibre, enzymes, fatty acids and other dietary components have in helping us to live healthily; offer over views of important food groups and tips on preparing them; and provide food prescriptions for a wide variety of ailments.

This is a comprehensive, accesible, fascinating and uniquely effective owner's manual on what to feed the 'vessel of the soul' that guides readers to a greater understanding of diet and health.


[ Slimming World Fast Food ]

[ Slimming World Fast Food ]
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The Slimming World system gives you plenty to eat and no forbidden foods. This approach has enabled hundreds of thousands of members to reach their target weight. No foods are banned, there is no calorie counting and there are hundreds of 'free foods' which can be eaten in unlimited amounts. So how can it possibly work? Slimming World defines its highly successful weight-loss technique as 'food optimising', encouraging you towards a healthier style of eating for life, rather than simply for short-term weight loss. But if you ever thought this would be difficult or time-consuming, think again. In the same time it takes to heat a pre-prepared meal, Slimming World Fast Food shows you how to prepare quick, delicious meals for yourself and your family. It is packed with advice and contains no less than 120 fast and effective recipes, designed to set your tastebuds tingling. Every one of these recipes takes less than 30 minutes to create, and food values are calculated for you, so you can easily make Slimming World food a part of your daily life.


[ The Body Image Workbook: An Eight-Step Program for Learning to Like Your Looks ]

[ The Body Image Workbook: An Eight-Step Program for Learning to Like Your Looks ]
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Americans boast the largest waistlines in the world, suffering from epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Britain is not far behind and other nations with first-world affluence are all wrestling to varying degrees with this problem too. Even countries in the earlier stages of industrialization are starting to get caught up in the battle of the bulge. Despite the fact that we are all, on average, quite overweight, our cultural media promotes a "cult of the thin and beautiful". All of us are bombarded with images and messages all day that lead many to unhealthful obsessions with the shape of their bodies. At best, these body-image issues can be unpleasant and distracting from the goal of being healthy and happy. At worst they can lead to serious mental health problems like body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa.This revised edition of a classic workbook presents a complete approach to dealing with body image issues. It includes new evidence that confirms the effectiveness of its cognitive behavioural approach. The book presents new discussions of cosmetic surgery, weight loss, and other body-fixing options, as well as information for persons with physically disfiguring conditions. A major shift in this edition orients this book with others grounded in the tradition of mindfulness and acceptance.


[ Fox and Cameron's Food Science, Nutrition & Health (Hodder Arnold Publication) ]

[ Fox and Cameron's Food Science, Nutrition & Health (Hodder Arnold Publication) ]
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The seventh edition of this classic book has been entirely revised and updated by one of the leading professors of human nutrition in the UK. Written in a clear and easy-to-read style, the book deals with a wide range of topics, from food microbiology and technology to healthy eating and clinical nutrition. It also tackles the more difficult area of biochemistry and makes the chemical nature of all the important food groups accessible.


[ The Truth About Fat: From the author of The Angry Chef ]

[ The Truth About Fat: From the author of The Angry Chef ]
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Who or what is to blame for us getting fat and ill in increasing numbers?

Sugar or fat? Gut microbes or genes? Laziness or poverty? Whatever it is, it’s placing a devastating burden on our healthcare system, and scientists in every field are desperate to explain this epidemic and stave off a modern health disaster.

Anthony Warner, author of The Angry Chef is back, and he wants answers. In The Truth About Fat he scrutinises the explanations of academics, doctors, researchers and journalists. He lays out the best evidence available, rails against quack theories preying on the desperate and considers whether we are blaming our bodies for other people’s ignorance and cruelty. What remains is the unvarnished truth about one of the great preoccupations of our age.


[ The New 2 Weeks in the Fast Lane Diet: Changing the Way We Shift Fat Forever! ]

[ The New 2 Weeks in the Fast Lane Diet: Changing the Way We Shift Fat Forever! ]
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Lose 10 pounds of weight, 4 pounds of stubborn fat and shave inches off hips, bums and bellies in just 14 days by revving things up a gear or two and making a unique combination of easy-to-adopt changes to eating, exercising, shopping, cooking and sleeping habits!


[ Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook: 131 Delicious Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Re

[ Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook: 131 Delicious Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Re
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Discover What Millions of People Have Already Experienced-- Dr. Fuhrman's Extraordinary and Life-Changing Recipes

Too busy to shop? Too tired to cook? Not sure what's healthy? From the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Eat to Live and the instant New York Times bestseller Eat to Live Cookbook comes Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook, 131 super delicious, easy-to-prepare, incredibly healthy recipes. No guilt, no-fuss, just amazing food that's good for you. From the grocery store to the kitchen table, Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook is just what you and your family have been looking for to become happier and healthier than ever before.


[ The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health: Restore Your Health by Creating pH Balance in Your Die

[ The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health: Restore Your Health by Creating pH Balance in Your Die
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Most people consume an abundance of highly processed foods that acidify the body. As a result, they are afflicted with health problems ranging from minor skin irritations, chronic fatigue, back pain, and depression to arthritis, ulcers, and osteoporosis. To enjoy optimum health, the body needs balanced quantities of alkaline and acid substances. In The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health, naturopath and detoxification expert Christopher Vasey shows how a simple change in diet to restore your acid-alkaline balance can result in vast improvements in health. With two new chapters, this updated and expanded second edition provides the latest information on proper hydration and deacidification, important alkalizing supplements, and how to eliminate the body’s accumulated acids through intestinal cleansing. It also includes a new, detailed example of an alkaline detoxifying diet. Rather than organizing alkaline and acid foods based on their chemical composition, Vasey categorizes foods by their effect on the body, explaining that some foods, such as fruits, can have either an alkalizing or an acidifying effect, depending on who eats them. He describes how to determine your acid levels and how to design a diet best suited for your particular health needs.


[ Naturally Skinny: 100 Organic Recipes Under 350 Calories! ]

[ Naturally Skinny: 100 Organic Recipes Under 350 Calories! ]
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Say Bye Bye To: Processed, Junk, Fat-Free, & Fake Food! This skinny little recipe book will arm you with all the knowledge you need to create delicious, 100% organic, healthful food that tastes amazing. Now you can be skinny naturally. Included: Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Sides • Snacks • Dessert


[ How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease ]

[ How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease ]
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New York Times Bestseller

"This book may help those who are susceptible to illnesses that can be prevented."
--His Holiness the Dalai Lama

"Absolutely the best book I've read on nutrition and diet"
-Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones Solution

From the physician behind the wildly popular Nutrition Facts website, How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can help prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.

In How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of, examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America--heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more--and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches to help prevent and reverse these diseases, freeing us to live healthier lives.

The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger's advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer.

History of prostate cancer in your family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet whenever you can. Have high blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects. Fighting off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United States)? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks.

In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen -a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day.Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.


[ The Metabolism Plan Cookbook: Vegan & Vegetarian ]

[ The Metabolism Plan Cookbook: Vegan & Vegetarian ]
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In her New York Times and USA Today bestselling books, Lyn-Genet Recitas has revealed what surprisingly healthy foods cause inflammation,weight gain, depression and premature aging. Her newest book The Metabolism Plan Cookbook, is geared for vegans, vegetarians and anyone wishing to have more of a conscious, plant based diet as part of their healthy lifestyle. The recipes take the guesswork out of a healthy diet. The recipes are nutritionally balanced and support metabolic and hormonal health. Best of all, these recipes are quick and easy to prepare so you can get out of the kitchen and spend more time with those you love.


[ Calorie Counter: Plus Fat, Saturated Fat, Carbs, Protein and Fibre (Good Housekeeping) ]

[ Calorie Counter: Plus Fat, Saturated Fat, Carbs, Protein and Fibre (Good Housekeeping) ]
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Creating a balanced diet for the family can often be tricky, and eating on-the-go is a minefield when you're trying to lose weight. Now it couldn't be easier to work out exactly what's in your food, with the Good Housekeeping Calorie Counter. This is a compact, comprehensive collection of up-to-date calorie information and nutritional data that you can use any time, and place, to help you make informed food choices. Clearly organized and easy to use, each food is listed according to average portion size, along with saturated fats, protein, carbohydrate, fat and dietary fibre for every one. Packed with thousands of entries, including fast food, takeaways and beverages, plus sensible, nutritional advice, the Good Housekeeping Calorie Counter is an essential companion for every health-conscious shopper.


[ OMD: The simple, plant-based program to save your health, save your waistline and save the planet

[ OMD: The simple, plant-based program to save your health, save your waistline and save the planet
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If you're a fan of Forks Over Knives, Oh She Glows cookbooks or Thug Kitchen cookbook, you'll love the fifty recipes and sustainable living advice in OMD: The simple, plant-based program to save your health and save the planet.

The research is clear: A plant-based diet is the healthiest diet on earth. But what many people don't realise is that nothing else we do comes close to the environmental impact of what we eat. If we are going to create the world we want to live in, we need to be mindful of the intersection of food, health and the environment.

Join the OMD Movement: Learn how to take Suzy Amis Cameron's OMD Pledge of  One plant-based Meal a Day to reverse climate change, while embracing a healthier lifestyle. Suzy Amis Cameron is a noted environmental advocate, author, founder of various plant-based initiatives, mother of five, and actor who was featured in more than twenty-five films, including The Usual Suspects and Titanic. OMD was developed at California's MUSE School, founded by Suzy and her sister Rebecca as the first K-12 plant-based school in the United States. OMD makes it possible for anyone to reverse climate change while embracing a healthier lifestyle. Supported by the latest nutrition research and environmental science, OMD helps you:

  • Lose weight
  • Reverse chronic health problems
  • Improve overall wellbeing
  • And, slash your carbon "foodprint" in half

Boost energy, feel better, live healthier and heal the earth: The message in Suzy Amis Cameron's OMD: The simple, plant-based program to save your health and save the planet is "Change the world by changing one meal a day". Suzy explains how we can live healthier and heal the planet, starting with swapping at least one meat- and dairy-based meal to one plant-based meal a day.

Fifty delicious plant-based recipes: OMD features fifty delicious and nourishing recipes, complete with inspiring success stories, shopping lists, meal plans, and pantry trips. OMD is an all-in-one resource for anyone who wants to improve health and take care of our planet, without giving up the foods we love and enjoy.


[ The Hugely Better Calorie Counter - simple to use and easy to understand calorie counter book ]

[ The Hugely Better Calorie Counter - simple to use and easy to understand calorie counter book ]
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The Hugely Better Calorie Counter - simple to use and easy to understand calorie counter book to help you focus on counting calories.

Calorie counters are bought to help control eating and get on top of weight problems. But today we understand that the problems more often start in the supermarket trolley. This book makes it really easy to choose all the right products to help you with your calorie counting. The next most important point is that food packaging offers you cals per 100 grams in an effort to hide the real impact from you. This book tells it like it is, portion by portion, glass by glass. Just using it to buy a healthier calorie content in the food you buy in the supermarket, will help keep you in better trim and shape. Like all of the best ideas, it's very simple really - practical.


[ The End of Dieting ]

[ The End of Dieting ]
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In The End of Dieting, Joel Fuhrman M.D., a board-certified family physician who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live, Super Immunity and The End of Diabetes, delivers a powerful paradigm-shifting book that shows us how and why we never need to diet again.

Fuhrman writes, "By reading this book, you will understand the key principles of the science of health, nutrition and weight loss. It will give you a simple and effective strategy to achieve--and maintain--an optimal weight without dieting for the rest of your life. This new approach will free you forever from a merry-go-round of diets and endless, tedious discussions about dieting strategies. This is the end of dieting."


[ The Skinny Bread Machine Recipe Book: Simple, Lower Calorie, Healthy Breads. Baked To Perfection

[ The Skinny Bread Machine Recipe Book: Simple, Lower Calorie, Healthy Breads. Baked To Perfection
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The Skinny Bread Machine Recipe Book

70 Simple, Lower Calorie, Healthy Breads... Baked To Perfection In Your Bread Maker!

We all love bread, yet increasingly people are feeling that it is becoming difficult to eat as part of a healthy diet.

With The Skinny Bread Machine Recipe Book, home baked bread can still be a healthier part of your diet.

For each of our skinny bread machine recipes we have taken traditional ingredients such as full fat butter, milk & cheese and, where possible, replaced them with alternatives which are either lower in calories, sugar, salt or saturated fats.

Each of the recipes have been tried and tested to make perfect homemade bread in your bread machine. The freshly baked bread you make will look and taste great and you’ll be happy you’ve done your best to bake a better loaf for you and your family.

Recipes include:

Traditional White & Wholemeal Breads
Tarragon & Mozzarella Cheese Bread
Red Pesto Bread
Cranberry Bread
White Spiced Butternut Squash Bread
Pink Beetroot Bread
Sun-dried Tomato Bread Olive Bread
Indian Spiced Bread
Triple Seed Bread
Granary & Stout Loaf
Festive Apple Bread
Dried Cherry Loaf

Plus a selection of gluten free bread recipes.

The Skinny Bread Machine Recipe Book is also the perfect companion to one of our other titles The Skinny Soup Maker Recipe Book: Delicious Low Calorie, Healthy and Simple Soup Machine Recipes Under 100, 200 and 300 Calories. Perfect For Any Diet and Weight Loss Plan.’ 

You may also enjoy CookNation's other books. Just search 'cooknation' on Amazon.


[ Think Yourself Thin: A 30-Day Guide to Permanent Weight Loss ]

[ Think Yourself Thin: A 30-Day Guide to Permanent Weight Loss ]
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The author of the #1 New York Times bestseller 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse returns with this revolutionary guidebook filled with the crucial mental strategies that will provide the missing piece in your weight loss journey once and for all.

After helping dieters lose over two-million pounds in two years, JJ Smith realized the most important, yet most overlooked, factor for permanent weight loss is mental mastery. In Think Yourself Thin, Smith helps you uncover the root of your struggle and address the spiritual or emotional issues tied to your eating behavior. By applying the strategies outlined in this book, you will have the tools you need to take control of your weight, and thus your health, and experience the joy of having your dream body.

Divided into four parts, Smith’s book uncovers the five psychological stages required to lose weight and keep it off. Smith also introduces the all-new SUCCESS System detailing the mental habits and approaches necessary for permanent weight loss. Filled with inspiring, motivational success stories and user-friendly principles that provide the guidance you need to eat in a manner that helps the body burn fat and lose weight, Think Yourself Thin makes long-term weight loss a reality by starting with what matters most.


[ 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet ]

[ 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet ]
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Lose at least 5lbs in 5 days with Jason Vale’s newest, easiest and most effective juicing programme ever.

Jason Vale aka The Juice Master – and the man responsible for turning around the lives (and diets) of celebrities and top athletes from around the world – has designed a brand new programme to reshape and reinvigorate your body in just 5 days. Lose the weight you’ve always dreamed of without restricting what you can eat or drink at the weekend.

The culmination of over a decade’s worth of research, 5lbs in 5 Days is a new and fresh approach to juicing and the ultimate guide to kickstarting rapid and healthy weight loss, boosting your energy levels and motivation, and maintaining optimum health.

Follow Jason’s plan and you’ll lose at least 5lbs in 5 days (the average is actually 7lbs) and be recharged on both a physical and a mental level.

Packed full of juicy recipes and tips for getting started, it’s simple to start and straightforward to follow. Start juicing today!


[ Fasting--and Eating--for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease ]

[ Fasting--and Eating--for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease ]
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Joel Fuhrman's Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease offers precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headache, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and uterine fibroids. You'll also learn:

- How to use fasting to lose weight
- How to start, what to expect, how to reintroduce food to maintain maximum benefits
- How to work with a physician for longer fasts (more than 3 days)


[ The Rob Lipsett Game Plan: Transform Your Body with My 3 Point Mindset, Nutrition and Training Pl

[ The Rob Lipsett Game Plan: Transform Your Body with My 3 Point Mindset, Nutrition and Training Pl
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Personal trainer and YouTube favourite, Rob Lipsett, will share with you his secrets to shaping up and getting fit. Focusing on a three step approach, Rob will help you plan and follow a training regime you enjoy, and a sustainable diet that is both realistic and satisfying.

· Rob will give you practical advice for getting motivated to incorporate a training regime into your daily life.
· He will provide no-nonsense nutritional advice that will ensure you are eating well to maintain muscle tone, lose weight and stay healthy.
· He will feature training plans that suit beginners to more advanced gym goers, and routines that can work both at home and in the gym.
· He will share 20 of his favourite recipes that anyone can cook, are quick to prepare, healthy and delicious.

Available to pre-order now.


[ The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step: A Personalized Plan to Relieve the Symptoms of IBS and Other Di

[ The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step: A Personalized Plan to Relieve the Symptoms of IBS and Other Di
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FODMAP Everyday shares everything you need to know about a low-FODMAP diet, including: why eating a low-FODMAP diet can make a difference with symptoms of IBS and other painful digestive disorders; a basic elimination diet; how to stock a low-FODMAP pantry; and 135 recipes covering the basics, breakfast, easy-to-pack lunches, snacks, dinners, soups, salads, sides, desserts, and baked goods. With sound, up-to-date medical advice and delicious recipes for meals that will satisfy everyone in the family, whether they are following the diet or not, FODMAP Everyday offers real-life, holistic solutions to a painful condition


[ Eat to Live Cookbook: 200 Delicious Nutrient-Rich Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Rev

[ Eat to Live Cookbook: 200 Delicious Nutrient-Rich Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Rev
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  • Do you want to eat delicious food that allows you to lose weight and keep it off permanently without hunger or deprivation?
  • Do you want to throw away your medications and recover from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes?
  • Do you want to maintain your good health, live longer, and enjoy life to the fullest?

If you said yes to any of these, then the Eat to Live Cookbook is for you.

Through his #1 New York Times bestselling book Eat to Live, Joel Fuhrman, M.D., has helped millions of readers worldwide discover the most effective, healthy, and proven path to permanent weight loss.

Now the Eat to Live Cookbook makes this revolutionary approach easier than ever before. Filled with nutritious, delicious, and easy-to-prepare recipes for every occasion, the Eat to Live Cookbook shows you how to follow Dr. Fuhrman's life-changing program as you eat your way to incredible health.


[ The New High Protein Diet Cookbook: Fast, Delicious Recipes for Any High-protein or Low-carb Life

[ The New High Protein Diet Cookbook: Fast, Delicious Recipes for Any High-protein or Low-carb Life
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'We've all heard of Jen and Madonna using high-protein diets to lose weight. It's a tricky one to follow safely, but with Dr Clark's sensible approach us mere mortals can do it too.' New Woman

The New High Protein Diet works. It is medically based and scientifically proven, and once you've tried the diet you'll want this brilliant recipe book to help you keep to your healthy new lifestyle. This cookbook is packed with ideas, ranging from breakfast on the run to quick and easy dinners to Sunday lunch. Bread and biscuits will no longer prove your downfall and you'll continue to feel full of energy and vitality as you keep to your low-carb lifestyle. It's easy once you realise how many choices and variations there are available. The low-carb recipes make use of delicious fresh ingredients, and are also very easy to follow. And the great news is that even though these low-carb meals are part of a diet, none will be cordon bleu size portions. The book includes:

--Why low-carb?
--The New High Protein Diet principles
--Good carbs and bad carbs
--Shopping lists
--The recipes


[ The South Beach Diet: A Doctor's Plan for Fast and Lasting Weight Loss ]

[ The South Beach Diet: A Doctor's Plan for Fast and Lasting Weight Loss ]
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Leading cardiologist Dr Arthur Agatston originally tailored this diet for his patients to improve the state of their heart, and of course their general health as well. But, almost by mistake, they began to lose weight too. News of this fantastic regime spread like wildfire throughout Florida and soon his office was inundated with requests for the diet.

Developed with the help of a professional nutritionist, Dr Agatston's diet provides you with easy-to-follow eating plans and recipes to keep you firmly on track. The delicious recipes are simple to prepare, quick and what's more, you generally lose the weight from your waist first. The results and health benefits are immediate and long-term. There is no counting calories, no fighting with exercises and on top of all this, positive results can start to show within just two weeks.
