Thursday, November 8, 2018

[ The Hugely Better Calorie Counter - simple to use and easy to understand calorie counter book ]

[ The Hugely Better Calorie Counter - simple to use and easy to understand calorie counter book ]
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The Hugely Better Calorie Counter - simple to use and easy to understand calorie counter book to help you focus on counting calories.

Calorie counters are bought to help control eating and get on top of weight problems. But today we understand that the problems more often start in the supermarket trolley. This book makes it really easy to choose all the right products to help you with your calorie counting. The next most important point is that food packaging offers you cals per 100 grams in an effort to hide the real impact from you. This book tells it like it is, portion by portion, glass by glass. Just using it to buy a healthier calorie content in the food you buy in the supermarket, will help keep you in better trim and shape. Like all of the best ideas, it's very simple really - practical.


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