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Search has changed everything. Has your business harnessed itsfull potential? A business's search strategy can have a dramatic impact on howconsumers interact with that business. But even more importantly, search engine activity provides amazingly useful data aboutcustomer behavior, needs, and motivations. In this non-technicalbook for executives, business owners, and marketers, search enginestrategy guru Vanessa Fox--who created Google's portal forsite owners, Google Webmaster Central--explains what everymarketer or business owner needs to understand about searchrankings, search data, comprehensive search strategies, andintegrating your strategy into the businesses processes. Updated statistics, tools, and recommendations Details about the latest changes from Google, Bing, and theoverall search landscape Explanation and recommendations related to Google's substantialnew search algorithm, know as "Panda" Discussion of the changing landscape of the integration ofsearch and social media, including the addition of Google+ to themix Traditional marketing isn't enough anymore. Businesses need toevolve as customer behavior evolves. Marketing in the Age ofGoogle shows you how.
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