Monday, October 29, 2018

[- How to End the Autism Epidemic: Revealing the Truth About Vaccines -]

[- How to End the Autism Epidemic: Revealing the Truth About Vaccines -]
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How to End the Autism Epidemic presents an intellectual, fact-based argument on how vaccines trigger autism, drawing on scientific evidence that has emerged in the past five years from researchers outside the United States. In it, author J.B. Handley confronts and dismantles the most common rhetoric from the AAP and CDC: 1. Vaccines are safe and effective. 2. The rate of autism isn t actually increasing. 3. The science is settled. Handley then presents his argument for where the truth actually lies: 1. The Department of Health and Human Services Vaccine Compensation Program has actually acknowledged that vaccines do cause autism and he lays out the legal proceedings in which this happened. 2. Scientific evidence in mounting that links autism-triggering immune activation to the aluminum adjuvant used in most vaccines, including findings of elevated levels of aluminum in the brains of autopsied autistic children and adults. 3. Research has shown parents to be highly reliable reporters of their children s wellness and while these experiences are often dismissed, thousands have reported and documented their children s vaccine injuries for campaigns such as Hear This Now and the Vaxxed Bus. Also of note: Big Pharma is expected to be worth $60 billion by 2020, compared to $170 million in the early 1980s, a 350-fold increase.* In the 1960s, the CDC vaccine schedule called for 5 total vaccines. Today it s 72.* Autism rates have gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s to 1 in 36 today.* In 2009, Julie Gerberding left her position as the head of the CDC, where she presided over both a massive explosion in the number of vaccines and a massive explosion in cases of autism, to head up Merck.While his argument is unsparing, Handley s position is ultimately moderate: We must continue to investigate the safety of vaccines, we must adopt a position of informed consent, and every vaccine must be considered on its own merits.

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