Thursday, November 8, 2018

[ Slimming World Four Seasons Cookbook ]

[ Slimming World Four Seasons Cookbook ]
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There's a wealth of wonderful fresh food produced on our doorstep, but how many of us really make use of it? In fact, how many of us actually know what's produced and when?

Well, the people at Slimming World have made it easy, and this fantastic recipe book offers a wide variety of seasonal dishes that make use of ingredients at the appropriate time of year. And, as each recipe fits perfectly within the Slimming World diet plan, now dieters can simply turn to the section dealing with spring, summer, autumn or winter and find something healthy to cook that makes use of readily available ingredients at the peak of freshness.

During the cold, dark days of autumn and winter, what could be better than warming borscht, souffléd jacket potatoes, roasted soy duck breasts or spiced bean stew with feta? As the days get longer and warmer you can feast on lighter dishes, such as baked egg timbales, pan-cooked skate with bacon, broad bean and lemon risotto, asparagus with minted couscous or any of the delicious salads.

Of course, dessert recipes haven't been forgotten. You can indulge yourself with treats such as chocolate, coffee and cognac mousse, blackberry and pear crumble, gooseberry fool, or orange and saffron cake, secure in the knowledge that these, and all the other recipes in the cookbook, are healthy, delicious, absolutely in season and all part of Slimming World's highly successful Food Optimising programme.


[ The Candida Cure: The 90-Day Program to Balance Your Gut, Beat Candida, and Restore Vibrant Healt

[ The Candida Cure: The 90-Day Program to Balance Your Gut, Beat Candida, and Restore Vibrant Healt
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Foreword by David Perlmutter, MD, author of Grain Brain

The cult-classic health book, now revised and updated with a quick start cleanse, easy recipes, and more.

It’s not news that Americans are sicker than ever. Seventy million of us suffer from digestive problems like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or gastro esophageal reflex disorder (GERD). Another forty million have been diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression and a staggering fifty million Americans live with an autoimmune disease. But what is newsworthy is that all of these conditions share a common thread you’ve probably never heard of: candida.

"Candida" is the term for a group of yeast organisms that have lived in our digestive tract for millennia, in harmony with the other thousands of bacteria, viruses, and archaea that make up our microbiome. But due to poor diets, processed foods, overuse of antibiotics, environmental toxins, and increased stress, our microbiome has been under steady and constant attack for decades. Yeast are of a heartier stock than bacterial microbes, and as bacteria die off, yeast begins to overgrow in the digestive tract, a condition known as candidiasis. Mild and moderate cases of candidiasis present with fatigue, IBS, eczema, depression, brain fog, migraines, and weight gain. Severe cases allow the afflicted to develop autoimmune disease (such as Multiple Sclerosis), cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

Ann Boroch’s self-published book, The Candida Cure, has been the #1 resource in candida treatment since 2008. Her program—which she used to heal herself from a life-threatening autoimmune disorder—has stood the test of time, and has become a life-changing resource for more than 65,000 people. Now, in this revised edition,  readers have even more tools, with updated information and case histories, a quick start cleanse, and all-new recipes and eating plans.


[ The Doctor's Kidney Diets: A Nutritional Guide to Managing and Slowing the Progression of Chronic

[ The Doctor's Kidney Diets: A Nutritional Guide to Managing and Slowing the Progression of Chronic
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In the United States alone, 26 million adults have chronic kidney disease (CKD), and experts project that over half the country may develop CKD due to rising rates of disorders such as diabetes. While nephrologists can monitor kidney function and treat patients with medications, they can t always offer the nutritional guidance that every kidney patient requires. To fill this information gap, Dr. Mandip Kang has written ""The Doctor s Kidney Diet"s, " a comprehensive guide to managing, slowing down, and even stopping the progression of CKD through diet.

The book is divided into two parts. Part One provides a clear overview of kidney function, kidney disease, and the role that nutrition plays in the treatment of kidney problems. The doctor then reviews the special dietary considerations of individuals with CKD, including the need to limit certain nutrients, fluids, and other dietary components. Because different patients have different nutritional requirements, the doctor discusses the most commonly prescribed CKD diets the DASH diet, heart disease and diabetes diets, diets for dialysis, and more and concludes with important tips for enhancing overall health and maximizing treatment success. Then Part Two offers a wide variety of recipes for dishes that follow the dietary guidelines highlighted in Part One.

Smart nutrition is essential to the treatment of kidney disease. With "The Doctor s Kidney Diets, " you can become an active, effective participant in your own treatment plan."


[ The Model Method: Recipes, HIIT and Pilates Exercises for Lifelong, Balanced Wellness ]

[ The Model Method: Recipes, HIIT and Pilates Exercises for Lifelong, Balanced Wellness ]
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'The Model Method's effective combination of recipes and workouts will leave you feeling stronger, healthier and happier. Hollie is one of the best task-masters on the fitness scene, with a refreshing, balanced approach' Sweaty Betty

'The new body coach on the block' Style

Nourish, sweat and strengthen your way to lifelong wellness with award-winning Pilates instructor and chef Hollie Grant's balanced recipes and workouts.

Hollie started The Model Method online plan after years of teaching her private clients so anyone can carry out the plan, anywhere. This beautiful book will follow on from the plan, showing the reader how to Nourish, Sweat and Strengthen for a healthier, stronger lifestyle.

Nourish will provide readers with delicious and balanced recipes with easy-to-source ingredients to encourage readers to eat from all the food groups unless medically advised not to. As a former chef Hollie is strongly against 'diets' and feels that we should eat to nourish our bodies, not starve them. The Sweat part of the plan will be split into three key areas of the body so that the workout can be personalised to the readers' goals or weaknesses. All the workouts will include elements of both Pilates and HIIT. Pilates is amazing at toning and fixing postural issues but does not address the incredible health benefits you tend to only get from HIIT (including reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity). Strengthen provides Pilates exercises and descriptions of technique, progressions and regressions, muscles activated and why you would carry out that exercise. The book is designed to be personalised so will also teach the reader about their body, posture types and muscle imbalances, and which Pilates technique would be best for them.

Above all, The Model Method is about how our bodies function and perform, rather than how they look, in order to encourage a healthy relationship with food and exercise.


[ What Can I Eat On A Sugar Free Diet?: A Quick Start Guide To Quitting Sugar. Lose Weight, Feel Gr

[ What Can I Eat On A Sugar Free Diet?: A Quick Start Guide To Quitting Sugar. Lose Weight, Feel Gr
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If you’re really ready to change your life for the better, then this Quick Start Guide to a Sugar-Free Diet is the perfect place to begin!

This sugar-free cookbook takes a comprehensive approach to understanding sugar and its effect on your body, and provides simple steps to eliminating the white stuff for good.

PLUS it contains Over 100 delicious Sugar-Free recipes such as high protein pancakes, butternut squash & ginger soup, barbecue buffalo chicken wings, thai chicken curry, raspberry & chocolate ice cream!

By following the guidelines in this book you can sugar detox, lose weight, improve your health and unleash a slimmer, fitter and happier you!

• Beat the sugar trap for good!

• Lose weight and feel great!

• What to eat and why!

• Understand fructose and fruit sugars!

• Over 100 delicious sugar-free recipes!


[ What Your Dr...Menopause (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You) ]

[ What Your Dr...Menopause (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You) ]
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In this expanded and completely updated edition of the classic bestselle, Dr. Lee brings you the facts about modern synthetic HRT drugs and gives you an easy-to-follow, non-prescription 'hormone balance' programme, that allows you to stay energised, strong, sexually vigorous and free from 'female problems' before, during and beyond the menopause years.

Pre-menopausal symptoms, endometriosis, weight gain, low sex drive, fibrocystic breasts, heart disease and osteoporosis - most women will experience some or all of these hormone-related problems and today millions of women concerned about aging muist decide whether to undergo synthetic HRT - and suffer its side effects and increased risk of cancer. However there is another way - natural progesterone, the only hormone supplement women may need as they age- and this book tells you all you need to know about it.


[ Feed Your Face: The 28-day plan for younger, smoother skin and a beautiful body ]

[ Feed Your Face: The 28-day plan for younger, smoother skin and a beautiful body ]
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Each year the average woman spends hundreds of pounds on skincare products, only to be disappointed when the hype outplays the performance. Empowering women to break this cycle, Dr Jessica Wu shares the secrets to transforming your skin from the inside out.

Feed Your Face is an easy-to-use, 28-day diet plan that will help you banish blemishes, wipe out wrinkles, shed unwanted pounds and generally feel better - in your clothes and in your skin. Along the way, you will learn how to separate skincare fact from fiction, as Dr Wu explains why:

* A slice of pizza and a glass of Cabernet can prevent an impending sunburn
* Milk doesn't always do a body good - dairy products are a major cause of acne
* Almonds can ward off grey hairs

Packed with patient testimonials, entertaining illustrations and celebrity anecdotes from stars including Katherine Heigl, Feed Your Face is as entertaining as it is informative.


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Everything you need to adopt and enjoy a ketogenic diet. Tired of struggling with weight loss? Author Michelle Hogan knows how you feel. Following her firsthand success with the keto diet, she shares her knowledge in Keto in 28. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide shows you how to make lasting changes-with big results-over the course of 28 days. Learn how to transition, and commit, to a keto lifestyle, with: • A practical 28-day meal plan that cuts carbs, curbs sugar cravings, and encourages creative ways to indulge in flavorful foods • In-depth nutrition information and detailed recipes that highlight macronutrient ratios • A customizable keto menu plus tips on stocking your kitchen with go-to staples Transform what you eat, how you eat, and the way you think about food by enjoying the benefits of a ketogenic diet.


[ Paleo in 28: 4 Weeks, 5 Ingredients, 130 Recipes ]

[ Paleo in 28: 4 Weeks, 5 Ingredients, 130 Recipes ]
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A Super Simple Guide to Going Paleo for Your Not-So-Simple Life Kenzie Swanhart knows firsthand just how hard it can be to introduce a Paleo diet into your hectic routine. In Paleo in 28, she teaches you that it takes only five ingredients, plus a few basic pantry staples, to create mouthwatering Paleo recipes for today and everyday. Making the transition to Paleo has never been easier with this effortless guide, which boasts: • A flexible 28-day meal plan so that you never have to wonder what to eat • 130 delicious recipes, from Good Morning Mug Biscuits and Nacho Kale Chips to Fall-Apart Short Ribs and Almond Butter Bars • Streamlined shopping lists to save time and money • A customizable one-week Paleo menu to help you strategize beyond your first 28 days • Nutritional information for every recipe Enjoy the classic flavors of all your favorite foods with gluten-free Paleo recipes that will jumpstart your healthy lifestyle and keep your taste buds happy. [Author bio] Kenzie Swanhart is the founder and author of the popular food blog Cave Girl in the City. In an effort to find balance and regain a healthy lifestyle after college, Kenzie adopted the Paleo diet. She started her blog to share her successes, resources, and findings with others on a similar journey.


[ No Grain, No Pain: A 30-Day Diet for Eliminating the Root Cause of Chronic Pain ]

[ No Grain, No Pain: A 30-Day Diet for Eliminating the Root Cause of Chronic Pain ]
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"A must-read book for anyone suffering from chronic pain" (Sara Gottfried, MD), No Grain, No Pain demonstrates the proven link between a gluten-heavy diet and chronic pain and discomfort--and offers a groundbreaking, 30-day, grain-free diet to help you heal yourself from the inside out.

More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, according to an Institute of Medicine report released in 2011. For many, chronic pain is part of an autoimmune disease, but all too often doctors turn to the same solution: painkilling drugs.

But all of this medication simply isn't helping, and as Dr. Peter Osborne, the leading authority on gluten sensitivity and food allergies has found, the real solution often lies in what you eat. In No Grain, No Pain, Dr. Osborne shows how grains wreak havoc on the body by causing tissue inflammation, creating vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and triggering an autoimmune response that causes the body to attack itself. But he also offers practical steps to find relief. Using his drug-free, easy-to-implement plan, you will be able to eliminate all sources of gluten and gluten-like substances, experience significant improvement in fifteen days, and eliminate pain within thirty days.

The first book to identify diet--specifically, grain--as a leading cause of chronic suffering, No Grain, No Pain provides you with the knowledge you need to improve your health. Based on extensive research and examples culled from thousands of his satisfied patients, Dr. Osborne recommends changing your diet to achieve the relief that millions of Americans have been seeking once and for all, leading to a healthier, happier life.


[ Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse, The ]

[ Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse, The ]
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Apple cider vinegar has a cult following among health conscious consumers. Not to be confused with distilled grocery store apple cider vinegar, "ACV" is unfiltered, unprocessed fermented apple cider that is rich in bioactive components that give it potent antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-glycaemic and many other beneficial properties. This enables ACV to help everything from diabetes to heart health to weight loss, sinus congestion, and warts. THE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR CLEANSE will explain the myriad health benefits of ACV and will offer a 7 day cleanse to help readers jump start their weight loss and journey to better health.


[ Go Dairy Free: The Ultimate Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casei

[ Go Dairy Free: The Ultimate Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casei
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If ONE simple change could resolve most of your symptoms and prevent a host of illnesses, wouldn't you want to try it?

Go Dairy Free shows you how!

There are plenty of reasons to go dairy free. Maybe you are confronting allergies or lactose intolerance. Maybe you are dealing with acne, digestive issues, sinus troubles, or eczema―all proven to be associated with dairy consumption. Maybe you're looking for longer-term disease prevention, weight loss, or for help transitioning to a plant-based diet.

Whatever your reason, Go Dairy Free is the essential arsenal of information you need to change your diet. This complete guide and cookbook will be your vital companion to understand dairy, how it affects you, and how you can eliminate it from your life and improve your health―without feeling like you're sacrificing a thing.


  • More than 250 delicious dairy-free recipes focusing on naturally rich and delicious whole foods, with numerous options to satisfy those dairy cravings
  • A comprehensive guide to dairy substitutes explaining how to purchase, use, and make your own alternatives for butter, cheese, cream, milk, and much more
  • Must-have grocery shopping information, from sussing out suspect ingredients and label-reading assistance to money-saving tips
  • A detailed chapter on calcium to identify naturally mineral-rich foods beyond dairy, the best supplements, and other keys to bone health
  • An in-depth health section outlining the signs and symptoms of dairy-related illnesses and addressing questions around protein, fat, and other nutrients in the dairy-free transition
  • Everyday living tips with suggestions for restaurant dining, travel, celebrations, and other social situations
  • Infant milk allergy checklists that describe indicators and solutions for babies and young children with milk allergies or intolerances
  • Food allergy- and vegan-friendly resources, including recipe indexes to quickly find gluten-free and other top food allergy-friendly options and fully tested plant-based options for every recipe


[ DASH Diet for Beginners: A DASH Diet QUICK START GUIDE to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood P

[ DASH Diet for Beginners: A DASH Diet QUICK START GUIDE to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood P
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DASH Diet for Beginners - Learn how the DASH diet can drastically improve your health and your weight!

*A complete DASH diet guide to living your healthiest life ever!*

The DASH diet is a lifelong well-balanced approach to healthy eating promoted by the National Institutes of Health that is based on nutrient-rich whole foods. This book will teach you exactly how to reach and maintain a healthy weight while lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Change your food - Change your life

U.S. News and World Report chose the DASH diet as the best overall diet, the healthiest diet and the best diet for diabetes for four years in a row.

It is estimated that hypertension or high blood pressure affects over 1 billion people worldwide. Not only is high blood pressure the leading cause of death, it also increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The DASH diet encourages reducing the sodium in your diet and increasing your consumption of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber by eating a fabulous selection of delicious whole foods that lower blood pressure. Eating vegetables, fruits whole grains, fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy and healthy fats is all part of the DASH diet healthy eating plan.

The DASH diet works if you work it

The DASH diet is endorsed by the American Heart Association and is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Research has also shown that the DASH diet is extremely effective in promoting weight loss which has popularized it as a weight loss diet.

In a step-by-step way, The DASH Diet for Beginners Quick Start Guide to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood Pressure and Better Health, Including DASH Diet Recipes and a 7-Day Meal Plan is going to teach you everything you need to know about how to successfully apply the DASH diet to your life.

DASH Diet for Beginners teaches you:

  • What is the DASH diet
  • Why the DASH diet was created
  • How the DASH diet promotes weight loss
  • The characteristics of the DASH diet
  • DASH diet food groups
  • The DASH diet food list
  • Portion control and serving sizes
  • Tips to lower your sodium intake
  • Tips to make the switch to DASH diet eating
  • DASH diet 7-day meal plan with calorie count
  • 30 MINUTE DASH diet recipes
  • .....and much more!

The recipes contained in this book will help you maximize your DASH diet efforts and they'll take the thinking out of what to cook!

Delicious DASH diet recipes included:

  • Raspberry Muffins
  • Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Pizza
  • Chicken in White Wine and Mushroom Sauce
  • Balsamic Chicken Salad with Pineapple
  • Tomato Basil Bruschetta
  • Fruit Kebabs with Lemony Lime Dip
  • Peach Honey Spread
  • Artichoke Dip
  • .....and much more!

Discover why so many people are embracing this amazing diet for weight loss and better health!

